2021年全国中考英语阅读理解试题汇编 (四川省广安市)

搜搜小姐姐 搜搜小姐姐



A primary school headmaster became the latest star on the Internet for dancing with his students.

Zhang Pengfei works in Xiguan Primary School in Linyi, Shanxi Province. Every morning, he leads 700 pupils to do the "ghost shuffle" style="max-width:100%">

Mr. Zhang saw a group of people doing the "ghost shuffle" routine by accident. Then he decided to learn it on his own. "I thought the dance would be great for kids," he said, "The music is energetic and it really makes children relax." In October 2018,he introduced the dance to all the pupils of his school. Soon even teachers and workers there joined in the activity.

"Now the pupils don't keep playing games on their phones. Sometimes they watch different dancing videos and learn new moves!" the headmaster said.

(1) The students do the"ghost shuffle" routine for ______ every week from Monday to Friday.

A. 30 minutes

B. 1.5 hours

C. 2 hours

D. 2.5 hours

(2) When did the students in Xiguan Primary School start to do the"ghost shuffle" routine?

A. In 1951.

B. In 2018.

C. In 2019.

D. In 2020.

(3) How did Zhang Pengfei feel about the music of the "ghost shuffle" routine?

A. Energetic and relaxing.

B. Slow and traditional.

C. Classical and interesting.

D. Quiet and relaxing.

(4) After Mr. Zhang introduced the "ghost shuffle" routine to his school,the pupils ______ .

A. became smarter

B. asked their parents to dance with them

C. didn't do other types of sports any more

D. didn't keep playing games on their phones

(5) From the passage, we know ______ .

A. the old exercise routine has a history of many years

B. only the students do the dance at Mr. Zhang's school

C. Mr.Zhang learnt the dance on TV

D. Mr.Zhang often dances after work


Turkey was proud of his looks.Every time he walked past the other animals, he would show off his feathers (毛) and say, "I am so beautiful. Move out of my way!"

The other animals thought Turkey was to proud. They decided to give him a lesson, so Fox wrote a note to invite Turkey to a dance party. Turkey was so pleased. When the sun went down, he got to Fox's home. Seeing Turkey, all the animals bowed and cheered.

Just at that time, a beautiful peacock(孔雀) showed up. When Turkey saw the beautiful feathers of the peacock, he became speechless. The other animals began to laugh. "I look like a fool." thought Turkey. He ran out of the house as quickly as he could.

And then, no one saw Turkey for several days. Everyone began to feel bad about what they did. They looked for Turkey everywhere. They just wanted to teach him to be humble. They didn't want to hurt his feelings. Finally, they found Turkey in an old tree. He looked quite sad. Peacock flew to Turkey and said, "Your friends are worried about you. They feel sorry for you."

"We are sorry for the joke we played on you, Turkey." the animals said.

"I am sorry I was so proud." replied Turkey.

"I think we should have another dance party!" said Fox, so they went towards Fox's home together.

(1) Why did the animals invite Turkey to the dance party?

A. Because they liked him.

B. Because they thought his feathers were beautiful.

C. Because they decided to give him a lesson.

D. Because they were proud of him.

(2) Where did they have the dance party?

A. At Turkey's home.

B. In an old tree.

C. At Peacock's home.

D. At Fox's home.

(3) Turkey left the dance party because he ______ .

A. was tired

B. was fooled

C. had a fever

D. had to go home

(4) What does the underlined word "humble" mean in Chinese?

A. 善良的.

B. 温和的.

C. 随意的.

D. 谦逊的.

(5) Which is the best title for the passage?

A. What a party!

B. The proud Turkey.

C. Turkey's bad luck.

D. Who is more beautiful?









(1) D. 细节理解题。根据第二段句子In1860,Mr Mendel discovered why we look the same as other people in our family.1860年,Mendel先生发现了为什么我们看起来和我们的家人一样.可知是1860年.故选D.

(2) C. 细节理解题。根据第三段句子In1961,another two scientists found the first"word"that they could understand in that language.在1961年,另外两位科学家发现了第一个word,他们可以用那种语言理解.可知他们可以用这种语言理解第一个词.故选C.

(3) A. 细节理解题。根据最后一段句子Most people hope that this will help to make better medicine and help sick people.大多数人希望这将有助于药物能更好的来帮助生病的人.及上文描述,可知制作更好的药物.故选A.

(4) B. 细节判断题。根据第三段句子So far,scientists have found all the words in the DNA map,but we still do not understand what they all do.到目前为止,科学家们已经在DNA图谱中找到了所有的信息,但我们仍然不明白他们所做的都是什么.可知我们已经了解了DNA图谱中所有的信息是错误的.故选B.

(5) D. 细节理解题。根据整篇文章内容及其最后一段句子Most people hope that this will help to make better medicine to help sick people.Other people worry that when we learn more" style="max-width:100%">









(1) B. 细节理解题。根据"Susan's House: We offer rooms of different sizes and delicious food. 我们提供不同大小的房间和美味的食物。" 可知苏珊之家提供房间和食物。故选B。

(2)B. 细节理解题。根据"The best school for your dog.They learn everything here. 给你的狗最好的学校。他们在这里学习一切。Call544-471(24hours)"可知当你需要把你的狗放在一个特定的地方,你可以打电话544-471,故选B。

(3) A. 细节理解题。根据"Country Life Supermarket: Our fruits and vegetables come in fresh every morning. 我们的水果和蔬菜每天早晨都是新鲜的。"可知在乡村生活超市,你可以吃一些水果和蔬菜。故选A。

(4) D. 细节理解题。根据"Next Wave Music Store:Special presents for the first50people. 给前50个人特别的礼物。"可知如果你想要特别的礼物,你可以去Next Wave音乐商店。故选D。

(5) C. 细节判断题。根据"Next Wave Music Store:Arnold Swenson has made his first CD! 阿诺德•斯文森制作了他的第一张CD,"可知阿诺德•斯文森是一位伟大的画家是错误的,是音乐家。故选C。









(1) D. 细节推理题。根据第二段They dance for 30 minutes every day.他们每天跳30分钟,因此推断从星期一到星期五他们每个星期跳2.5小时,故选D.

(2) B. 细节理解题。根据第四段In October 2018,he introduced the dance to all the pupils of his school. 在2018年10月,他把这个舞蹈介绍给全校学生,可知2018年西关小学的学生开始跳鬼步舞,故选B。

(3) A. 细节理解题。根据第四段The music is energetic and it really makes childrenrelax.可知校长张鹏飞认为鬼步舞的音乐充满活力并且让儿童放松,故选A.

(4)D. 细节理解题。根据最后一段Now the pupils don't keep playing games on their phones. 现在学生不在手机上一直玩游戏,可知在校长将鬼步舞介绍给学校之后学生不再一直玩游戏,故选D。

(5)A. 细节推理题。根据第三段After all,they started to do the old exercise routine in 1951.毕竟,在1951年他们就开始做个旧的体操了,因此推断旧的体操有很多年的历史,故选A。









(1) C. 细节理解题。根据第二段They decided to give him a lesson,so Fox wrote a note to invite Turkey to a dance party.他们决定给他一个教训,所以狐狸写了一个便条邀请火鸡去参加舞会,可知动物们邀请火鸡参加舞会是为了给她教训,故选C。

(2) D. 细节推理题。根据第二段When the sun went down,he got to Fox's home.当太阳落山的时候,他到了狐狸家,据此推断舞会在狐狸家举办,故选D。

(3) B. 细节理解题。根据第三段"I look like a fool." thought Turkey.He ran out of the house as quickly as he could."我感觉像个傻子,"火鸡想,他尽快地跑出了房子,可知火鸡离开舞会是因为被愚弄了,故选B。

(4) D. 词义猜测题。根据第二段The other animals thought Turkey was to proud.其他动物们觉得火鸡太骄傲了,因此判断动物们想让火鸡谦逊一点,因此判断划线单词的含义为谦逊的,故选D。

(5) B. 文章标题题。根据第一段Turkey was proud of his looks.火鸡对自己的外貌非常骄傲,可知本文主要讲了一只骄傲的火鸡的故事,因此判断本文最好的标题为骄傲的火鸡,故选B。



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