
搜搜小姐姐 搜搜小姐姐


新冠疫情一、各地模拟题①特殊的假期②疫情预防二、押题素材——疫情带来的生活改变①新冠疫情导致的变化去年,新冠肺炎(COVID-19)的爆发和反复给人们的生活带来了许多变化。在这段时间里,你的生活一定也发生了一些改变。根据下面的提示,写一篇文章。提示:1. 你的生活里发生哪些令你意想不到的事情?2. 你的生活因此发生了怎样的改变3. 你有怎样的感受?【范文】 For now, COVID-19 seems to be under control in China. Our lives have mostly gone back to normal. It was a tough experience for most of us here. I didn’t realize it would affect my life in such a big way. Last year, my new semester was supposed to start in March. But I was told that I would have to study at home. I always dreamed of not having to go to school – my dream came true in an unexpected way. I started homeschooling. At first, I thought it was fun and interesting to talk to my teachers and classmates online. But over time, I got distracted by the internet and had trouble following my teacher. I failed one of my final exams, which really upset me. I regret that I didn’t make better use of my time during the period. I realized self-control is necessary for successful development. I hope I can learn from this.②新冠疫苗接种2020年,新型冠状病毒肺炎在全球蔓延,极大地影响了人们的生活,很多人因此健康受到了影响甚至失去了生命。目前,接种疫苗成为预防新冠肺炎最有效的方法,而中国研发的新疫苗也已经上市。某英文网站正在进行主题为“Do you want to get the COVID-19 vaccine?”的讨论,请你在此版块下跟帖回复你的观点并阐述原因。提示词语:prevent, spread, protect, herd immunity (群体免疫), side effects (副作用) 要求:根据提示,完成一篇不少于50词的文段写作。表格中已给出的内容不计入总词数。TopicDo you want to get the COVID-19 vaccine?Person ARe: I can’t wait to get the COVID-19 vaccine…Person BRe: Personally, I won’t get the vaccine, at least nor for now…YouRe:【范文】I’m willing to get vaccinated, too. Since there is no medicine that can be used to treat this disease, a vaccine will be a better choice for stopping the virus. The COVID-19 vaccine is hoped to effectively prevent people from being infected by the virus. Vaccines are the key to ending epidemics and achieving herd immunity. Although the vaccine might have side effects, these are rare. I have faith in the safety and effectiveness of China’s vaccines. I hope to get one myself.2初中生活一、各地模拟题①三年来的收获②三年来的挑战二、押题素材:初中生活带来的改变转眼间,你已经是一名九年级学生了。你还记得刚升入初中时的自己是什么样子吗?这两年在你身上发生了哪些变化?请以“My changes”为题写一篇英语作文,请你根据下面的要求完成这篇作文。要求:1. 写你三个方面的变化,用上used to结构;2. 紧扣作文题目、语言表达准确、语意通顺连贯;3. 词数80左右,开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。【范文】My ChangesI’m in Grade 9 and I have changed a lot.First, I used to be thin, but now I am a little fatter. I used to have curly hair, but now I have short straight hair, because I am busy with my study.Second, I have made much progress in English. I wasn’t good at it at the beginning. But with my English teacher’s help, now I often get good scores on my English exams.What’s more, I’m more outgoing than I used to be. I was so afraid of speaking in front of people in the past, however, now I can give a speech in public confidently. Last but not least, I have made lots of friends as well.These are my changes. What about yours?3模范人物一、各地模拟真题及范文二、押题素材:感动中国人物及抗疫英雄①“感动中国”人物感动中国2020年度人物已经揭晓,他们或护卫祖国,或造福民生,或推广传统文化,或传递市井温暖,都让人忍不住热泪盈眶。在你心中,年度人物有什么样的特征?请以“2020 Person of the Year in my heart”为题写一篇英语作文。提示:1. 你心中年度人物的标准是什么?2. 你心中的2020年度人物是谁?3. 你为什么选择他或她?【范文】2020 Person of the Year in my heartIn my heart, the Person of the Year is someone who improves other people’s lives. Wang Yong, a courier (快递员) in Wuhan, made me feel moved.Wang volunteered to transport medical workers during the COVID-19 pandemic. Though he was worried about the virus, he still came forward when medical workers needed help. He also called on more people to join him. The team helped to buy food and medical supplies.As an ordinary people, he devoted himself to improving other’s lives, leaving a great influence on me. We should learn from him, as a small act of kindness can make a big difference.




提示词语:help, serve, responsible, make contribution to

提示问题:1. Who moved you the most?2. What did he/she do?3. What did you learn from him/her?


The past year was quite moving in many ways. A security guard who works in my community did something that was especially meaningful to me.

During the epidemic, he worked hard to protect residents from the virus. He guarded the entrance to our community day and night, taking the temperature of those who entered to avoid any possible infections. He also helped deliver mail and other things to some households. This was really convenient for many of us.

From his selfless devotion, I learned that it’s important to be dedicated and responsible, even just as an ordinary citizen. Even regular people like me and you can contribute in the battle against the virus.









①国家发展假如你是李华,你的美国朋友Jim最近来中国探望你,他惊讶地发现中国比起他上一次来的时候已经发生了翻天覆地的变化,他十分好奇中国的快速发展给你的生活带来了哪些变化,你有什么感受和体会。请以此为主题写一篇英语文章。提示词语:economic development经济发展;income收入;achievement成就提示问题:1. How has China’s development affected your life?2. How do you feel about these changes? 3. Are they good or bad?【范文】Over the last several years, great changes have taken place in our lives in China. My own life is a good example.When I was a kid, my family lived in a small house in a village. We never had spare money for snacks, clothing, or travel. But now we live in a big, comfortable apartment near the city center. We often go out to eat on weekends. We sometimes go shopping for trendy clothes and like to travel during holidays.China’s development has improved our living standards and enriched our lives. There are better movies and TV shows these days. There are also more fun and interesting extracurricular activities at school. I am grateful that these changes have taken place. They make our lives better. I will study hard and eventually make my own contributions to China’s development in the future.②家乡发展


1. 地方政府提供科技支持,人们找到新的工作机会,生活水平显著提高;

2. 环境得到更好的保护,家乡变得更宜居更美。


1. 包括以上要点;

2. 语言准确,逻辑清晰,行文流畅;

3. 词数不少于90词。

提示词:poverty alleviation 扶贫;be lifted out of poverty 脱贫


Dear Tom,

I’m glad that you are interested in poverty alleviation in my hometown. I am proud to say that great changes have taken place in the past few years.

People in my hometown used to make a living in big cities, leaving their kids at home. But with the help of the local government, they no longer need to live that way. They can now stay in the hometown and still enjoy a good life. For example, many of them are selling fruit online. The government has also made efforts to improve the environment. The river that flows through my hometown is getting cleaner. Trees have been planted as well. We are starting to receive tourists.

I’m looking forward to your visit in the future. You can see how things have changed with your own eyes.


Li Hua



“谁知盘中餐,粒粒皆辛苦。” 节约粮食是中华民族的传统美德,即使如今人们生活富足,我们也应当提倡节俭,避免浪费食物。某英文网站正在开展以 “拒绝食物浪费”为主题的征文活动,假如你是李华,请用英语写一篇100词左右的短文投稿,谈谈为什么要节约食物,你平常是怎么做的,有什么收获。提示问题:1. Why should we avoid wasting food?2. What do you usually do in order to save food?3. How have you benefited from doing so?提示词: food waste 食物浪费;cut down 减少;【范文】Food waste has become a big problem these days. It not only causes environmental pollution, but also destroys (毁掉) the fruit of farmers’ hard work. And there are still many people around the world who don’t have enough food to eat. Knowing the importance of avoiding wasting food, I always try my best to do it. For example, I order just enough food when I’m eating at a restaurant and I often take the leftovers home if I can’t finish the dishes. I always clear my plate every time I eat at home and school as well. By doing my part to save food, I get a sense of achievement and satisfaction. I also realize that we can all make a difference as long as we take action.



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